Allied Arts of Seattle
Allied Arts of Seattle
The mission of Allied Arts is to enhance the cultural livability of Seattle and to create a social network of people who care about the Arts, Urban Design and Historic Preservation.
Allied Arts is best known as the organization that worked to save Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square, established the Seattle Arts Commission, and launched the Waterfront for All campaign. Since 1954, we’ve collaborated with an array of civic leaders and organizations to help maintain and improve Seattle’s quality of urban life.
Featured Articles
Join us for a Lid I-5 Beer & Culture panel discussion February 19, 2025 on Urban Integration
POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER - WILL RESCHEDULE: Upcoming Beer & Culture Series, hosted by the LID I5 Project in partnership with the Seattle Parks Foundation.
Join us for the upcoming Beer & Culture Series, hosted by the LID I5 Project in partnership with the Seattle Parks Foundation.
Beer and Culture: the future of downtown
Beer and Culture Increasing and Preserving Landmark Districts
2023 City Council Candidate Endorsements from Allied Arts of Seattle
Since the Nisqually Earthquake in 2001, Allied Arts began working to ensure that Seattle’s waterfront became the next great civic space.
2023 City Council Candidate Endorsements from Allied Arts of Seattle
Help Shape Our Grow Gracefully Vision. Allied Arts is convening a series of meetings with Seattle neighborhood groups to obtain critical feedback to help shape the future of growth in Seattle.
Join Us! July 13 – Allied Arts & Forterra Hold 2017 Joint Seattle Mayoral Candidate Forum || Doors Open 6 PM (Mingle with Candidates, share which development projects you feel are great and those not so great within your neighborhoods or elsewhere in the City.)
Allied Arts’ City Council Candidate Endorsements – Allied Arts has a long history of holding candidate forums and interviews to help inform the public debate about which candidates align with Allied Arts’ mission of fostering a Seattle with great public places and a vibrant arts community for all.
Join Allied Arts at our upcoming Beer & Culture: Lessons from the Showbox Theatre, How to proactively protect the places we love.

Join us for a Lid I-5 Beer & Culture panel discussion February 19, 2025 on Urban Integration