Allied Arts of Seattle

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Allied Arts 2017 Mayoral Candidate Forum

Join Us!  July 13 – Allied Arts & Forterra Hold 2017 Joint Seattle Mayoral Candidate Forum 

Doors Open 6 PM (Mingle with Candidates, share which development projects you feel are great and those not so great within your neighborhoods or elsewhere in the City.) The event is FREE and will be held at the Cornish Playhouse, 201 Mercer Street at Seattle Center. RESERVE SEATS – PRINT TICKETS

Enrique Cerna, Moderator | KCTS9

Mayoral Forum Candidates will weigh in on the Allied Arts Grow Gracefully Vision for Seattle 

The Question is Not IF Seattle Should Grow, It’s How…

How can we grow in a way to benefit everyone? 

Learn how candidates will respond to critical livability issues such as historic preservation,  great urban design, support of the arts and artist live/work housing. The Grow Gracefully Vision is centered upon the core belief that growth should make Seattle more livable, a city we love even more, not less.

Leading Candidates
Jenny Durkan
Jessyn Farrell
Bob Hasegawa
Michael McGinn
Cary Moon
Nikkita Oliver

Hear candidate vision(s) on how they would:

  • Preserve Character Buildings, Main Streets, Local Businesses

  • Improve Neighborhood Design

  • Match Infrastructure to Growth to Increase Livability

  • Ensure Equity in Neighborhood Development



Allied Arts of Seattle was founded in 1954 as the Beer & Culture Society and is most known as the organization that helped preserve Pike Place Market, initiated legislation to landmark and stimulate the dramatic rebirth of Pioneer Square, fostered the creation of the Seattle Arts Commission, introduced the Constitution of the Arts in the 1990’s to address areas in need of attention and change in civic management of the arts and launched the Waterfront for All Campaign in 2002 to create Seattle’s next great civic space. Our Grow Gracefully Vision for Seattle reflects the legacy work of Allied Arts.

Forterra – For more than 25 years, their dedication to making our region healthy, vibrant and resilient has never wavered. Starting as a land conservancy, Forterra quickly learned that to save this place meant looking beyond our scenic landscapes.  By the early 2000’s, Forterra had developed joint agendas which drew attention to the influence our built world has on the health of all our landscapes – identifying two key goals:  1) protect 1.3.million acres of working forest, farms, shorelines, parks and natural areas; 2) Make cities and towns great places to live, work and raise families.


Many thanks to all for participating in and supporting the event.